Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Healing Balm of Rest

Cease, teeming brain, from your starr’d toil and wear

While imminent night’s icy hand doth bare

Intruding erosion upon this head

Trodden by grip of cold caricature

A sip, a tincture of the flower’s vein

As med’cine removes the dissident stain

Drink this cup, a dreamy dissolution

To excise the charges’ flickering bane

Valerian’s blood in fermented stead

Of cabernet’s ancient stone jars embed

Wash away the dread, verve-yielding despair

Sailing the seas of the inner masthead

Forbid this distress, discharge revulsion

Enter sleep’s abyss, life’s absolution

Sink deep, o head, feathered lair now sustained

Awake with Christ, balm of reparation

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